Manufactured by UK-based Marlia Health Innovations, Male Extra claims to have made more than 150,000 customers happy. This sexual performance enhancement pill improves men’s sexual health by enhancing sexual desire, increasing the size of the penis and improving sexual stamina. It is very helpful in erectile dysfunction for which it targets the basics of men’s health, the blood flow to the penis and the health of penile cells.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) and other forms of sexual dysfunction can develop in men with age or because of certain medical conditions. In ED, the person has difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection. This can result in severe feelings of embarrassment in the person. Male Extra assists in widening the blood vessels and thereby enhancing the blood flow to the penis. This results in a long-lasting and hard erection and a strong orgasm.
It is a good idea to read Male Extra reviews and check the list of ingredients for making an informed decision.
Male Extra’s Ingredients
The following are the key ingredients in Male Extra pills.
- Pomegranate
Around 500mg of pomegranate is contained in each pill. The fruit has antioxidant properties which make it quite effective in fighting prostate cancer.
- Methyl Sulfonyl Methane
This ingredient helps develop healthy penile cells. Lack of methyl sulfonyl methane in the cells makes them weak which in turn reduces the quality of erections.
- L-Arginine
This amino acid improves cell health. It breaks down upon reaching inside the body, giving out nitric oxide which helps in dilating the blood vessels in the penis and increasing the flow of blood. This results in firmer erections.
- Zinc
A highly important ingredient for men, it enhances sperm health and improves sperm count. It also helps in protecting sperms from harmful free radicals.
- Creatine
This substance occurs naturally in the human body and provides the muscle tissues with energy. It leads to steady generation of ATP which results in higher energy levels. Low creatine levels lead to poor expansion of muscles.
- Cordyceps
This helps in enhancing desire and energy.
Male Extra Reviews Dosage & Side Effects
The dosage of this sexual performance enhancement pill is taking three capsules of the supplement each day with food. This supplement is safe for use for men of all ages. The ingredients in this product are natural-based and this product is 100% clinically proven with no known side effects. But, in case you’re using any medications, it is advised that you consult your doctor about the dosage & side effects before you start taking Male Extra.
Male Extra Reviews – Does It Work?
As is the case with every other sexual performance enhancement pill, results can vary depending upon the person. But, the effects should become noticeable after a few weeks of regular use. Also, the longer you use this supplement, the more benefit you will get from it.
Male extra has received mostly positive customer reviews. The increase in nitric oxide caused by using Male extra pills is the reason behind the product’s success. The results are guaranteed and the manufacturer’s claims are backed by scientific research as well.
Erectile dysfunction is among the biggest men’s health issues. It may also be an early warning for some serious health problems. Male enhancement products have given men hope. Men no longer need to either turn to untested and unsafe methods or suffer with their problems.