Biotab Nutraceuticals, the US based company behind the popular male sexual enhancement pills, Extenze claims that the supplement can increase penis size by 27%.
Every man dreams about having full and long-lasting erections and achieving their peak performance in the bedroom. Extenze, an original formula for male enhancement, has been designed especially for this purpose. It helps in increasing the size and girth of the penis by strengthening erections. It also enhances libido, improves sexual stamina and endurance and helps in treating erectile dysfunction.
This supplement is considered among the best alternatives to the expensive procedures, cheap prescription drugs or injections for increasing penis size. Extenze increases the amount of blood flowing into the penile chambers which helps the user in achieving stronger erections. With continued use, the size of the penis increases. This is because the penile chambers need to create more room for the larger amount of blood flowing to the area.
Extenze’s Ingredients
To know the original formula of this maximum strength male enhancement supplement, one can check out the list of ingredients.
- Korean Ginseng
This helps in boosting energy and endurance levels for enhanced sexual performance.
- Tribulus-terrestris
This ingredient increases testosterone levels which results in better sex drive as well as improved physical output while you’re working-out.
- Yohimbe Bark
This natural aphrodisiac helps in treating erectile dysfunction.
- L- Arginine Hydrochloride
This helps in facilitating more blood to pass through the penile chambers by contracting the blood vessels which in turn improves the quality of erections.
- Ginkgo Biloba
This helps in vasolidation i.e. widening of blood vessels which leads to increased amount of blood flowing into the penis and harder and longer lasting erections.
- Zinc Oxide
This helps in boosting testosterone levels and increasing the volume of semen.
Does It Work?
This is among the best enhancement pills for improving men’s sexual health in the market. Loaded with well researched ingredients that include the necessary nutrients and vitamins, this product is surely worth a try. Extenze customer reviews indicate the potency, effectiveness and safety of this supplement.
Extenze Dosage & Side Effects
The user needs to take one pill every day after a meal. The results of using this maximum strength male enhancement supplement will be apparent after a short period of time. But, to get maximum benefits, consistent use is the way to go. You should use the supplement for around eight weeks. The results may differ depending on the user.
The product has a 100% natural formulation which means that it doesn’t cause any unpleasant side effects. This is also why it is a better option as compared to prescription drugs. However, make sure you don’t exceed the dosage. Doing so can have adverse effects. Also, those who have allergies or are below the age of 18 years should avoid using this product.
Using a male sexual enhancement supplement can be a great way to boost sexual health. However, there are countless options in the market and you must choose the right one for you. Before you buy such a product, look at Extenze customer reviews and clinical studies.